Hola, people. I so need a nap! I was just talking to a girlfriend on the phone and I couldn't stop yawning..I was telling her I've been trying to write this since last night..I keep deleting then rewriting. It's like a cluster of run-on sentences. Nothing makes sense. You have been warned. My eyes are bloodshot, and stinging like fire.my wheels are constantly turning...making plans. Last Sunday my partners and I were arranging our final plans for the market. We made a few last minute lists, and sketched out how we (think) we want our booth set up. I literally have the next 21 weekends planned. No foolin'. Can't decide if that's awesome, or absolutely insane..Right now, I'm ecstatic...Hopefully when I'm right in the middle of it all I will still be having a good time. Having a booth at the market is an idea I have tossed around for the last two years..and now I'm really doing it!! It's exciting! We are planning some off time. We chose 5 of the 21 weekends to take off..I have some trips planned, and then we blocked out some lake time as well. Good things are happening, guys!!
You've probably wondered how my tiny garden will supply us with enough produce for the entire market season? My little 16x8 is just a sliver of what will contribute. Our main source is a half acre of corn, and a half acre of other fruits and veggies.

In the coming weeks we are going to have more than we know what to do with. Not sure what produce we will have next week, if any...Maybe tomatoes. I'll be sure to post what we plan to have each weekend. Yesterday, I bought a ton of bananas. I'll have some fresh bread next week too..as much as I can make...I set out a loaf of it for my family on Sunday, and between the six of them they ate the entire thing within minutes.. then said I should have brought more. It's pretty good stuff!!
So...market...next weekend. Stop by and say hi!

While I was in Nashville last week. I had an hour to kill, so I wandered into World Market...annd then wandered out with a patio set. That was totally unplanned. The table was used as the display, so it had some chips around the edges..I thought it was cute like that, but I didn't say anything while the lady kept talking to me, offering it at a lower price..As I was walking away saying "I'm not sure, I'll have to talk to my husband about that" The classic line I used long before I even had a husband...Then she said "Well, wait a minute..if I take this much off will you take it then?" Uhh, sold!! Sooo, loaded it up in the car, and had a candlelight dinner that evening with this handsome fella of mine.
Kinda digging my new little patio set. Beer and watermelon tastes so much better in the backyard!!
I was so excited to show ya'll my corn.. Two Friday's ago it looked like this...
Now it looks like this...This week I had to weed out the seedlings..I always feel so bad doing that...Sorry little seedlings..your life was cut too short, and it's all my fault..
My strawberries are so pretty...
Pretty delicious too...I ate these Sunday morning for breakfast..
If you have strawberries planted don't forget to pull your runners. This is exactly what they look like..you can't miss them. They will steal all of the nutrients from your berries...Just pinch at the base of the runner and pull. You'll get more berries if you do this!
One day I almost panicked thinking the moles had tunneled through the garden....Then I was like...nope..the potatoes are breaking through..This was also two weeks ago.
and this was yesterday.
Somehow I have a potato coming up from last year...Under my beans
Love watching the beans come in!
Remember when I said I planted bean plants,as well as seeds?
My seeds (right) are taller/thicker than my plants (left)
Baby jalapeno..I also planted red and green bell peppers, sweet banana peppers, cayenne and I don't know what other peppers.I'm drawing a blank..More evidence that a nap is needed.
I planted beefsteak tomatoes..I think that's what they're called..it is possible I just made that up, but I'm pretty sure I'm correct..I do know I planted grape tomatoes. I cook with grape tomatoes a few times a week, so I'm pretty pumped about them. Anyway, both tomato plants are flowering..
Trey makes homemade popsicles that are too cool for school This one is made with fresh pineapple...Juice and chunks. The perfect treat for a sunny afternoon. I spent this day sunning out back in my beach chair while reading a book.
My sweet boy got me a pink Dogwood tree for Mother's day.
Snapped this on one of my runs...
It was hot at the beginning of the week!! I love a good sweaty run!
Another - seen on my run - picture.. I love this place!
When I get a package from Nicole I know it is going to be something thoughtful and wonderful.
She made me this amazing mug!! She is seriously so talented. I have been bugging her for a year now to open her own shop! I LoVe it and her!!
I had two date nights this week...the first one was with Brittney..we went to dinner and a movie. We saw the dumbest "scary" movie..We were mostly distracted by the hacking/whooping coughing CHILD..literally. Poor baby.. and then the little girl sitting across from us that was cracking sunflower seeds the.entire.time. I can't even make it up. Brittney said if she had popcorn she would throw it at her. It was very distracting...and annoying..you could hear her smacking over the movie. Loved my Brittney night!
Kayla and I went to The Hayloft barn sale last night...It's always so fun to browse all the booths. They have the cutest things.
I got this adorable spoon ring.
I loved my Kayla night too. We were going to eat dinner off the food trucks, but I talked her into going somewhere where adult beverages were served. I didn't have to pull her leg or anything..I merely suggested it and I think she agreed before I ended my sentence.
Have you seen the Regenerate Juice Bar truck in town? I met one of the owners and he was super friendly. Kayla and I spent a few minutes talking to him. Turns out his juice truck will be at the market on Saturdays..annnd turns out he's in the market for some locally grown cucumbers. I just happen to know a cucumber grower! :-)
I had the juice called sucker punch.. I think that's the name...I wasn't kidding about the nap.
Speaking of naps. Brodie loves to make himself comfortable in my arm for his naps. I don't mind.
Lately Scuba needs to be told when to do things. I'm not sure if it's some kind of psychological separation anxiety or what, but he's totally lost his mind. He..is a weirdo. When it's feeding time he will sit and stare at me until I tell him he may eat. He will look at his food, then back at me..and won't move until I say..."you can eat"...Then when it's time to come in..I open the door and he sits and stares at me until I use my words to invite him in. Weird, I tell ya,
The three of them love our backyard time.
Especially this one.. <3
Tonight my Mom is finally getting to use her Mother's Day/Birthday gift...I got her tickets to the Willie Nelson concert in Nashville... I asked her if she wanted to wear my shirt, and she just laughed at me. I don't really know what was so funny about it. Anyway, my Mother has a super crush on Willie..has for as long as I have known her. Like super heartthrob crush...Bless her heart...ol' Sue is gonna lay her eyes on ol' Willie tonight. So, anyway she and my Dad are date nightn' it up. You kids behave yourselves and have a Willie nice time.
To the rest of you...have a Willie nice weekend.
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