Friday, April 11, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hola Friday friends.  How excited are you that it's Friday?  I am soo glad, but mainly because I don't have to get up before 5:00 a.m. tomorrow.  I finally convinced one of my friends to get up and workout with me in the mornings, under the condition that we have to meet up waay early so that she can make it to work on time.  Yawn.  I've been one tired puppy this week. Once 6 or 7 p.m. rolls can usually find me in the fetal position hiding under a blanket somewhere in the house.

This week I added squats into my routine.  If you are a Pinterest frequenter, then you've seen the 30 day squat challenge around there a few dozen times.  I'm not doing the challenge, per se...I'm just doing them.  Period.  If I were doing the challenge, I would have to say that the challenge would be physically being able to walk the next day.  Ouch.  After day 4 it's not so bad, but I can most definitely feel it..which keeps me if you're like me and starting something new, don't give up..just push through!

Tonight is the Clarksville- Montgomery County Humane Society's Spay-ghetti dinner.  If you are local, you should go.  They even have a drive-thru, so if you're not feeling it you don't even have to get out of the car..  The food is always wonderful..spaghetti, salad, dessert and a drink.  The proceeds go towards building the spay-neuter clinic.

I have had the windows up in my house all week enjoying the crisp Spring air.  Every evening, a little after midnight, an owl in the woods behind my house wakes me up.  I love the little guy, or sounds so pretty. It's all fun and games until it wakes the dogs up though.  Trey decided he wanted an owl call to converse with the owl.  Oh for the love of Nancy.  Sorry neighbors.  I try to be neighborly and cease all owl calling by bed time.  I'm fairly certain I heard a peacock carrying on last night, but I could be losing it too.


Last Saturday I had a full day.  Kyle and I ran the APSU breast cancer awareness 5k.  This was the first time we have gone running together since New Years Day..He totally smoked me.  It's whatever..I've been working on improving my time, and my non running husband was out of sight.  I did have a good run though, especially considering it was mostly uphill/downhill..and I improved my time by 53 seconds.

The MS walk was later that morning, so we hopped from one to the other.  After a quick shirt change, I went to walk with my sister, who was recently diagnosed with MS.

Since it was such a lovely day I wanted to take advantage of it.  Trey was gone hunting again...which I later found out was not a very productive hunting trip..Bless his heart.  He's like his Mom and can fall asleep anywhere.

So, Kyle and I spent the day together just doing random stuff.  We drove out to the Mennonite farm in Guthrie, Ky., which is where I get some of my garden plants, and also where I buy my flowers. 

I just wanted to drop in to see how the plants were coming along.  

The little baby impatiens were so cute with just two blooms.  This farm is like my dream scenario.  The women are the only ones you see working on the plants in the greenhouses, the clothes are hanging on the clothesline, the cows mooing, the dogs sleeping in the shade.  The simplicity of it is so dreamy.

This guy visits my feeder every morning..

The grass is freshly mowed, and all the beds have new mulch. 

My ferns were delivered this monkey grass has been clipped.  Everything is so green and new.

I LOVE Spring!!

I'm one step closer to having my clothesline up.  Tuesday we dug the holes for the posts...well, Kyle dug the holes...I just dumped the extra dirt in the garden...held the end of the measuring tape..

and played with the dog.

As it turns out I'm not too far from simplicity afterall.
Have a great weekend!



  1. I absolutely love sleeping with the windows open... So refreshing!! :)

    1. It really is the best! Thanks for reading!
