Friday, February 14, 2014


Hey Friday people!  My week was carazy busy.  I feel like I have had a million and one decisions that need to be made lately.. way more than usual.. It's a major headache.  I'm usually not so bad with making decisions, but there's just so many important ones lately that I would simply just like to stop being an adult and not make any for one day, or a week.  A week would be nice. 

My week...

I spent what felt like hours picking out ceramic tile for my kitchen..two days in a row. Too many choices. finally chose one..then I spent way too much time picking out which color grout I wanted.  Next week I will have a brand new kitchen floor. 

For the past two weeks I've been working with an amazing graphic designer that I hired to design a new face for my blog.  It has been sooo much fun!! I can't wait for you guys to see how it turns out! I have loved working with Amy.  Every time I see her name in my inbox I get ridiculously excited.

Trey brought home an information packet from the high school yesterday.  It can't be time already!!  Nooooo!!  I'm so not ready. Next thing I know he will be filling out college applications. That same day we went to look at a pickup truck... I'm not ready for that either.  Just stop growing already.  I know people always say to enjoy your kids when they're little because they grow up fast...Do me..because my kid just started Kindergarten, and in 6 months he will be in high school.

I went to my six month dentist checkup this week.  I'm one of the rare weirdos that gets really excited to go to the dentist.  Please scrape the fire out of my teeth..I don't care if you make me bleed..I love clean teeth.  Usually my hygienist complains because I never have any problems with my teeth..I guess it's not much of a challenge for them when you actually take care of your teeth.  This time she was like "you need to floss more"  I'm like uhhh...what? I didn't say that..I couldn't talk.  She had two instruments in my mouth..but then I was like "buut, but I floss several times a day?!" which came out barely audible because I said it with said instruments in my mouth.  

My feelings were seriously crushed.  I was thinking.."This chick is not being very nice today..what's her deal?  She knooows I floss."  

After she finished cleaning my teeth the dentist came in to check me his deep, manly, dentist voice he said "keep up the good work with your brushing and flossing."  

Take that hygienist girl!

This is my favorite flosser.  The mint refills are my fave!  

Nicole got a silhouette for Christmas and soon after I asked her make me a mug with the word "awesome" on it..then one day I said "Would it be weird if I told you I want my mug to say awesome sauce?" She rocked it!  It's totally the coolest gift around.  She also made me a hashtag magnet. #perfect #craftyfriendsrock

Sunday I got to hang out with my little people

Clearly Trey no longer considers himself a little person, hence the teenager "hurry up and take the picture" non-smile.  He's pretty cute!!

I love my little people!!

Not a huge Valentine's Day fan here..Other than giving Trey some kisses (the chocolate kind)  and celebrating the parental's's really just another day to me.

Although....I saw that Runnerbox was offering a limited edition vday box..I couldn't pass it up..

This is the picture from the website..

This is the box I got in the mail.  Maybe it's just me, but their picture of the box looks way bigger than my picture.. I mean, seriously, the bow looks like something Parker Peppermint made...It had a ton of stuff in it though..a Kind bar, Clif bar, some honeystingers, sports beans, tea, Pocketfuel , a foot rubz ball and a buff.  I love my buff, so this one will def get used..  I either wear my buff to cover my nose and mouth on cold run days, around my neck, or on my's the best thing ever for your runny runners nose.  No snot rockets from this chick...they go straight into the buff..So be warned ..never touch my buff after a run..

I can seriously never ever get enough of sunset runs

Such a beautiful thing!!

Who is tired of dry winter hair?  Even my coconut oil treatments don't seem to be helping lately. I dug through my hair products looking for something I haven't used in a while and found a bottle of Dove nourishing cream.  It's pretty thick..almost like a lotion..I use a nickel sized amount in wet hair..then style.  It has been a dream!!  If your hair is suffering from the winter blues, then go get you a bottle of this right now, trust me!!

Oook, so this counts as one of the random things I purchase for myself that I really do not need.  I mean, I could always stick with the cheap plastic shower caps that I toss in my bag from staying in hotels when I travel for work, but why keep those when you can have an awesome handmade retro shower cap??

Seriously, I'm digging it.  

I got it from Retro Revival on Etsy

I got the sweetest card from everyone at the vet.  It made me smile.

Have you ever seen anything so pitiful?  
I don't know what he was pouting about, but it sure was cute.

Brodie loves belly rubs before bed..

I sure do love him!!

Happy Happy 39th anniversary to my amazing parents!!  
You guys are so cute together and so very special!

Thanks for stopping by this week...
Hope you get into something fun this weekend!!



  1. That mug is FABULOUS! Seriously amazing, I need one!

    Today: My Favorite Day

  2. Replies
    1. Also, random fun fact: I few years ago I had a tumblr called The Way I See It. great minds and whatnot ;)

    2. That's so cool! I have never thought of having one with my blog name on it..I should get on that! :-) Thanks for the idea.

    3. Carrie, I've been enjoying reading your posts. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my blog for more info! Here's the URL for the post:
      aaand here's an easier link to my blog: Today: My Favorite Day
      Have a great day!
