Friday, February 28, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hola Friday friends!  If you are here then you are already seeing the changes that have been made to the ol' blog.  There are a few more changes coming, but the most noticeable change is the header, which I am super pleased with.  It is exactly how I imagined, and I wasn't even sure how I wanted it to look when I began the design process with Amy.  She has been a dream to work with.  Sooo, yay!!  I can't wait for it to be finished.

My kitchen floor re-do was last week..  When your contractor calls you mid-day and says "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" and then the good news is that he found 50 cents under your know the bad news is bad.. So, I came home Monday and I was missing half of my kitchen floor. Jimmy was standing with his lower body in my crawlspace and his upper half in my kitchen.  I was like "oh, hey guys" then I quickly walked away.  The damage they were repairing was worse than any of us thought so I was trying not to see what all was going on.

My refrigerator was in my living room and my other appliances were in my dining room...There were random kitchen my foyer and in my garage.  I sorta felt like I was living in an apartment..which was fun, for some weird reason I feel like I missed out on something in my college day youth by never living in an apartment. I realize that sounds totally crazy, but's me telling this story. It kinda goes without saying. ;-)

The floor looks fantastic!!  Unfortunately, I've already broken my first glass...Glass doesn't quite land on vinyl the same way it does ceramic tile.  Of course I already knew this, but had yet to experience it..until now.  So, day two of the new floor I was sweepin' up glass. 

I felt extremely vulnerable with all of my junk drawers exposed.  You really don't realize how much crap you have until it's all out in the open for everyone to see.  I only have six drawers in my kitchen..two are neat and organized, two are junk drawers and the other two are just "organized" chaos..not quite on the junk drawer level, but so close. I spent a few hours last weekend organizing my drawers and cabinets. It may or may not have been an intervention type thing..I hate to get rid of stuff.  I can almost find sentimental value in any random object in my house.  So, Catharina came over one day while I was cleaning them out..I was like "look at all this stuff.." then I went on to explain why I didn't want to get rid of it..Then..I could see the look in her eyes.  I was being ridiculous.  So, with my head hung low I said.."Just throw it away when I'm not looking."  I now feel much better about what my drawers contain.

 While cleaning the drawers out I found a Ziploc bag with a bunch of folded up paper inside.  I nosed through it to see if it was trash or not.  My heart melted... Inside the bag were notes that I had written to Trey, and put in his lunch box for school.  He kept them.  <3

 I sure love that boy of mine..he's so good to me.

I got these new slippers from Old Navy.  They are on clearance right now..and the colors/sizes are super limited, so if you see them..and you want them..get them!!  I love mine..they have a good sole on them, so they don't feel cheap..The inside is warm and fuzzy, and they are Brodie approved!

While dusting my entire house for the tenth time after the floor was done (dust was everywhere!!) I decided to mess with my cookoo hasn't worked in years.. Not entirely sure why I never noticed before, but my cookoo bird looks like a chicken!!!  ahaha!!  It's perfect.

I love my new compression-mesh pants from ON. Like love, love!!  My other compression pants I feel are too long, and these are perfect..I think that's why I like them so much.  Everyone should live in compressions..they are new clean sheets.  I never want to leave them once I'm in them.

Trey has been working up the ground in the garden.  It's almost that time again!!  I can't wait!

I rocked my Westie scarf this week.  I always get compliments when I wear it.. Except for that one time when a lady at church told me she loved my horse scarf.  I mean, I guess that is a compliment, but you know...doesn't look like any horse I've ever seen.

I got it from Purple Possum UK on Etsy.

Last Friday night I skipped town and went to hang out with my niece and her bestie.  They're so cute and fun to hang around with.  Pretty much all they do is giggle..and they both exude sarcasm... it's almost as if I birthed them myself. I'm such a proud aunt! We had fun together!  I lerve them both!

I finally got to meet my new nephew, Bentley.  He is way too spoiled and only wants to be held by my sister.  Such a whiny baby!

This geranium scented soy candle from Mrs. Meyers smells fabulous and Spring like!!  It's the perfect candle for a sunny day when you have the windows in the house open.

Brodie and I took a sequence of pictures together..He never moved in any of them, so my hair was sitting on top of his head in every one of them.  I don't know why this was so funny to me, but I couldn't stop laughing.  Clearly, we don't get out often enough.

 Love my sweet boys!!

Thanks for stopping by to read about my week.
Hope you have an awesome weekend!


Friday, February 14, 2014


Hey Friday people!  My week was carazy busy.  I feel like I have had a million and one decisions that need to be made lately.. way more than usual.. It's a major headache.  I'm usually not so bad with making decisions, but there's just so many important ones lately that I would simply just like to stop being an adult and not make any for one day, or a week.  A week would be nice. 

My week...

I spent what felt like hours picking out ceramic tile for my kitchen..two days in a row. Too many choices. finally chose one..then I spent way too much time picking out which color grout I wanted.  Next week I will have a brand new kitchen floor. 

For the past two weeks I've been working with an amazing graphic designer that I hired to design a new face for my blog.  It has been sooo much fun!! I can't wait for you guys to see how it turns out! I have loved working with Amy.  Every time I see her name in my inbox I get ridiculously excited.

Trey brought home an information packet from the high school yesterday.  It can't be time already!!  Nooooo!!  I'm so not ready. Next thing I know he will be filling out college applications. That same day we went to look at a pickup truck... I'm not ready for that either.  Just stop growing already.  I know people always say to enjoy your kids when they're little because they grow up fast...Do me..because my kid just started Kindergarten, and in 6 months he will be in high school.

I went to my six month dentist checkup this week.  I'm one of the rare weirdos that gets really excited to go to the dentist.  Please scrape the fire out of my teeth..I don't care if you make me bleed..I love clean teeth.  Usually my hygienist complains because I never have any problems with my teeth..I guess it's not much of a challenge for them when you actually take care of your teeth.  This time she was like "you need to floss more"  I'm like uhhh...what? I didn't say that..I couldn't talk.  She had two instruments in my mouth..but then I was like "buut, but I floss several times a day?!" which came out barely audible because I said it with said instruments in my mouth.  

My feelings were seriously crushed.  I was thinking.."This chick is not being very nice today..what's her deal?  She knooows I floss."  

After she finished cleaning my teeth the dentist came in to check me his deep, manly, dentist voice he said "keep up the good work with your brushing and flossing."  

Take that hygienist girl!

This is my favorite flosser.  The mint refills are my fave!  

Nicole got a silhouette for Christmas and soon after I asked her make me a mug with the word "awesome" on it..then one day I said "Would it be weird if I told you I want my mug to say awesome sauce?" She rocked it!  It's totally the coolest gift around.  She also made me a hashtag magnet. #perfect #craftyfriendsrock

Sunday I got to hang out with my little people

Clearly Trey no longer considers himself a little person, hence the teenager "hurry up and take the picture" non-smile.  He's pretty cute!!

I love my little people!!

Not a huge Valentine's Day fan here..Other than giving Trey some kisses (the chocolate kind)  and celebrating the parental's's really just another day to me.

Although....I saw that Runnerbox was offering a limited edition vday box..I couldn't pass it up..

This is the picture from the website..

This is the box I got in the mail.  Maybe it's just me, but their picture of the box looks way bigger than my picture.. I mean, seriously, the bow looks like something Parker Peppermint made...It had a ton of stuff in it though..a Kind bar, Clif bar, some honeystingers, sports beans, tea, Pocketfuel , a foot rubz ball and a buff.  I love my buff, so this one will def get used..  I either wear my buff to cover my nose and mouth on cold run days, around my neck, or on my's the best thing ever for your runny runners nose.  No snot rockets from this chick...they go straight into the buff..So be warned ..never touch my buff after a run..

I can seriously never ever get enough of sunset runs

Such a beautiful thing!!

Who is tired of dry winter hair?  Even my coconut oil treatments don't seem to be helping lately. I dug through my hair products looking for something I haven't used in a while and found a bottle of Dove nourishing cream.  It's pretty thick..almost like a lotion..I use a nickel sized amount in wet hair..then style.  It has been a dream!!  If your hair is suffering from the winter blues, then go get you a bottle of this right now, trust me!!

Oook, so this counts as one of the random things I purchase for myself that I really do not need.  I mean, I could always stick with the cheap plastic shower caps that I toss in my bag from staying in hotels when I travel for work, but why keep those when you can have an awesome handmade retro shower cap??

Seriously, I'm digging it.  

I got it from Retro Revival on Etsy

I got the sweetest card from everyone at the vet.  It made me smile.

Have you ever seen anything so pitiful?  
I don't know what he was pouting about, but it sure was cute.

Brodie loves belly rubs before bed..

I sure do love him!!

Happy Happy 39th anniversary to my amazing parents!!  
You guys are so cute together and so very special!

Thanks for stopping by this week...
Hope you get into something fun this weekend!!


Friday, February 7, 2014


Hey guys!  I was not going to do a Friday blog today, but the more I thought about it..the more I knew that I should, or maybe more so that I needed to.  I have always been careful not to use my blog as a venue for personal issues. Of course, I let all of you into my life every week, but this is just a small part of this great big world we all share.  My blog is not my journal..I'm not one to spill all of personal problems in real life, so you def won't find them on this here blerg.

So, this brings me to why I did not want to write today.  I didn't want to get too personal..Most of you come here out of curiosity - to see what I've been up to, or because you want to read something positive, or because you just like me for me, and you think I'm really awesome - thanks for that btw..I like you too..and you're awesome too..

I come here for the same reasons..because this is a happy place, this is where I can 100% be myself, share a part of myself that many of you do not know unless you've actually met me. This is me..I really am a total dork most all of the time..I laugh at myself - a lot..I make mistakes, I spend way too much money on things that only mean something to me..I try to see the good in everything, especially the bad, I am a complete klutz..I can't remember jokes unless I write them down..I even have bad hair days (more good ones though..just sayin) 

I'm real..Just like you..and things don't always go the way I want them to.

Yesterday was a sad day at our house.  I had to put my 19 year old little kitten cat to sleep.

I knew this day was coming quickly, but I had no idea I would be the one to have to make the final decision. I have never made such a decision.. I mean really,  I make important decisions everyday..I am a Mom, so of course my child's life is in my hands everyday and I am responsible for him..but I have never had to make the decision to end someones suffering, and it is something I never thought I would physically be able to do, and to be honest..never wanted to do, but when the time came I didn't think twice about it.

It was time, and I knew it.

I won't go too far into the details, it's pretty sad.  I cried a lot, not for myself, but because I felt bad for Sebastian and my heart was broken for Trey.  This is the second pet he has lost. I was maybe 20 when I lost my first pet, and I just think it's really unfair that children have to hurt like that, but I do understand that it's part of - I mean.  We all want to protect our children, but unfortunately we are unable to protect them from life..from heartache.  It is truly heart wrenching when your 14 year old wraps both his arms around you  as tight as he can and sobs, uncontrollably - and all you can do is just be there, and let him.

The Doctor took one look at Sebastian and assured me I was doing the right thing.  I was able to have a few minutes alone with him, to talk to him and love on him..I rocked him like a little baby and told him how special he was to me and that I was so thankful to be his Mommy..and then I held him and rocked him until he was gone.  Kissing him until his little heart stopped beating.  

I did what any Mom would do.  I was by his side until the very end. 

I am heart is broken because my child's heart is broken.  I can't fix it.  I have to watch it happen.  So, feeling all this hurt and helplessness I did what I do best, and decided to find the good within the bad..

I rescued Sebastian from the shelter 9 years ago.  Trey and I just went to visit the animals, and then ended up leaving with this huge cat with long fur all over the place.

He was absolutely beautiful.

The funniest part about this is that I don't even really like cats..I'm a dog person - but I loved that cat.

It was love at first meow..

Being on the rescue end of things now..I know that I saved his life.  

I gave him a home, more love than you could ever imagine.  I fed him, I took him for rides in the car..Told you...I'm a dog Mom..I don't know any differently, and neither did he.  

He taught me patience..

He showed everyone he met unconditional love.

No matter what happened in my life day to day he was always at my feet looking up to me showing no judgement.  Only love and stinky meows.

He always had dog Brothers that out numbered him and he fit in just fine.

I am so thankful that for some reason I walked into that cold, wet, scary shelter that day and brought home this living, breathing, scared little human with paws and was able to give him a brand new start.

It may not have meant anything out of the ordinary to anyone else, but it sure meant the world to him, and I believe he thanked me everyday for it.

I'm mostly thankful that he chose me to be his Mom.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pigs in a Blanket - with a Twist

The other day I was listening to a daytime talk show while sitting at my computer working.  On the show they were sharing recipes for some Super Bowl Sunday goodies and this one caught my attention.

It seemed simple enough with just a handful of ingredients, so I decided I would give it a try.


fillo dough
spicy brown mustard
olive oil
poppy seeds

preheat oven to 375

First I have to tell you that I ended up making this three times last night..I have never used fillo dough before, so I really didn't know what I was doing..At all. I could tell right away that me and fillo definitely were not going to be insta-friends..I ended up with a huge mess, and may or may not have thrown a ball of dough at my kitchen counter as hard as I could at least once..

But I didn't give up..

After only using one sheet of dough I came out with a ridiculously sticky mess that went straight into the then I tried 2 sheets..that was a little better. Then I read the directions on the fillo box (duh) and it recommended 4 sheets at a time.  It's never a bad idea to read the directions first..

At least use wouldn't hurt to see how three or four turn out for you..

Cut your sheets into 3 x 3 squares
I used my pizza cutter

With a brush, swipe a layer of spicy brown mustard down the center.

I almost want to say this would be awesome-sauce if you substituted the mustard for some kind of horseradish sauce..if that's your sort of thing..I think it would give it just the right kick..
I will def try it next time.

Cut the Kielbasa and put in the middle of your square on top of the mustard.

Put about a teaspoon of sauerkraut on top of the sausage..

I will admit I am not a fan of sauerkraut...Perhaps I can blame my Mother for this for trying to force her Northern traditions on me since birth..When she makes it I turn up my nose at it..I just don't like it, so I was surprised that I wanted to give this a try..and I'm glad I did.  If you are also not a fan, don't let it discourage you.  The taste is very subtle in this recipe (which is why I think horseradish would be perfect). If someone else made these, I really don't think I would guess right away that it had sauerkraut in it.  

You should try new things!

This was the tricky part for me, but if you are experienced with fillo, then it should be a breeze for you.  To make it easier dab some water on each corner, which will help it stick together when the corners meet. 

Bring the corners together at the center to form a dumpling like bundle and pinch the edges to seal.

Spritz with olive oil and sprinkle with poppy seeds

Bake in the oven for 15-18 minutes, or until golden brown.

You can use spicy brown mustard, or whatever sauce you decided to use on the inside, as a dipping sauce

These are pretty great and once you get past the fillo fiasco they don't take long at all.  You can easily make a big batch for your Super Bowl party and your people will love them!
