Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm Diggin' it - Week 6

Week 6, and I am overwhelmed.  Today I found myself standing there staring at this 16 X 8 box of out of control craziness wondering to myself what in the world am supposed to do with all of this?  Everything is intermingling with its neighbors.  My cucumbers are strangling my onions, my tomatoes are all tangled together.  My cantaloupe and watermelon vines had to be re-routed so they will not grow into my beans and broccoli.  Saying the potatoes are massive is a huge understatement.  My lettuce is drowning out my beets.  I literally just stare at it all and I'm seriously like what the heck...why must you grow so fast?  Who sneaks in here in the middle of the night and drops a load of fertilizer on you!!?

My tomatoes are almost as tall as I am, and the corn is not too far behind..

I have so many cherry tomatoes I lost count...

the same with the Roma tomatoes..

The broccoli is fascinating to watch grow...
it sounds strange, but it's true.  

My cantaloupe has several blooms..and it makes my mouth water..

Ready for another joke??!!  :-D

Why do melons have fancy weddings?

Because they cantaloupe!!

This was so sweet and delicious!!

This little guy will be a bell pepper...

Here is another bell pepper bloom that has yet to open..

Oh, hey there Mr. Hot Stuff..

Sweet banana peppers..

These are the potatoes.  I can't even tell you where they begin and end.  I had to google image potato crops today just to make sure this is what they're supposed to look like.  Who knew!?

Just beet it..


The cucumbers are actually really pretty...and fuzzy...

and they make the prettiest flowers..
You can also see the fuzzies on the vines..

This is dill that I have in one of my herb gardens.
I plan to use it when making homemade pickles.

I wasn't prepared for everything to grow so quickly.  In the beginning Kyle told me to just wait and will be completely full before I know it.  I hate to admit it, but he was right.  There were a few times this week that I went outside to look at it, stood there, and turned right back around and went inside. I bought a pressure cooker and some canning supplies this week.  I've been reading blog after blog and watching videos about canning.  I'm excited to make delicious things and share them with my family and my friends.

Here are a few things I've learned from my garden..

1.  Gloves are for sissies.

2.  Many things that grow in the garden were never sown there.

3. I like green beans from a can...from the grocery store...better than fresh ones from my garden.  Sad, but true.  I'm hanging my head down in shame.

Thanks for stopping by!!


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