Friday, April 26, 2013

High Five for Friday

Hey there Friday!

Here are the highlights from my week...

Over the weekend we finally put the garden in...and by we I mean my husband and my son.  I shoveled as much as I could get away with until they forced me to give the shovel up because according to my son "I could hurt myself...and it's a mans job."   Well, alrighty then...Don't have to ask me twice.  So, I sat and watched them shovel dirt until about 9:30 p.m. Saturday night... I did, however, ask several times if they're sure they didn't want my help.  Sometimes sitting and watching isn't nearly as exciting as helping.

This garden is a pretty big deal considering I have been asking...and by asking I pretty much mean begging, for a garden in the back yard for ummm...3 years now.  No fooling! All that it is lacking now is..uhhh..plants. Not real sure what you call a garden without plants...?  Rain, rain go away!

I loved working in the yard over the weekend...all of my perennials are coming in..I especially love my hostas.  All of them are grown from bulbs I dug up years ago from my Grandmother's, and my Mother's yard...I love to see how much they grow from year to year.

I did this last Spring, and it tickled me pink to see a few nests in my yard with the yarn I set out.  This year I did it's so simple and so fun to watch.  All you need is a suet feeder, and yarn cut into two inch pieces. Hang it in a tree and see what happens!

I took my little red cruiser out for a spin. 
I think everyone needs a basket and a retro bell on their bike...don't you!?
If I see you in your yard while I'm out riding my bike..I will ring my bell at doesn't matter if I have never seen you in my're gettin' the never gets old..not even when my boy, and my husband roll their eyes at me for doing it...

The boys decided to build a fort behind our fence.  I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I guess all boys do need their own hangout away from their parents.  They used old decking from a neighbors house for materials.  They were serious too...even used an air compressor and a nail gun. 

I'm thinking that girls are allowed in this fort...(Lord help me)

Since prom is in the air..
I decided my throwback Thursday pics this week should be of my prom...from 1995. 

While at Kroger this week I spotted these little single cans on sale and thought I'd try one out.  Have you tried them yet?  I was surprised that they're actually pretty great!! 

My little guys had so much fun working out the yard with us this week...well, until I had to lock them up in the time was over after they time I was in my house clothes, my curls were pinned on my head, annnd it was pouring down rain.  This is their let me out of doggy jail...we'll never do it again Mom, I promise, look..

Cat nap...

Play time...

Catch me if you can..

Chasing my birds...

That's my pretty much upon reflecting.. everything exciting happened to me over the weekend.  This weekend it is supposed to rain...again.  Seriously, I have plants to plant...this is taking April showers to the extreme!!  So, since it'll be raining I have a date with a little blond haired boy, and a stack of red box movies.  Can't beat that!

Thanks for stopping by...have a great weekend!!



  1. So I dont really like beer but love strawberry margaritas... which way does the straw ber grita lean?

  2. Love the garden area! Can't wait to see it planted and to reap some of the produce!!!!! umm! May try that beer though I'm not a Bud fan. Such a great idea about the colorful yarn for the birds--I've got a Robins's nest on the arbor with little eggs in it and also in the wreath on the porch--some wren eggs! And a wondrous surprise----weeding around the grape arbor and came across a small nest with 5 blue eggs--I was so excited--I had to stop weeding so not to disturb--I love little bluebirds--so cheerful!!!!! Hope the rain stops soon so you can plant the garden!!!! love, sonnie
