Friday, April 26, 2013

High Five for Friday

Hey there Friday!

Here are the highlights from my week...

Over the weekend we finally put the garden in...and by we I mean my husband and my son.  I shoveled as much as I could get away with until they forced me to give the shovel up because according to my son "I could hurt myself...and it's a mans job."   Well, alrighty then...Don't have to ask me twice.  So, I sat and watched them shovel dirt until about 9:30 p.m. Saturday night... I did, however, ask several times if they're sure they didn't want my help.  Sometimes sitting and watching isn't nearly as exciting as helping.

This garden is a pretty big deal considering I have been asking...and by asking I pretty much mean begging, for a garden in the back yard for ummm...3 years now.  No fooling! All that it is lacking now is..uhhh..plants. Not real sure what you call a garden without plants...?  Rain, rain go away!

I loved working in the yard over the weekend...all of my perennials are coming in..I especially love my hostas.  All of them are grown from bulbs I dug up years ago from my Grandmother's, and my Mother's yard...I love to see how much they grow from year to year.

I did this last Spring, and it tickled me pink to see a few nests in my yard with the yarn I set out.  This year I did it's so simple and so fun to watch.  All you need is a suet feeder, and yarn cut into two inch pieces. Hang it in a tree and see what happens!

I took my little red cruiser out for a spin. 
I think everyone needs a basket and a retro bell on their bike...don't you!?
If I see you in your yard while I'm out riding my bike..I will ring my bell at doesn't matter if I have never seen you in my're gettin' the never gets old..not even when my boy, and my husband roll their eyes at me for doing it...

The boys decided to build a fort behind our fence.  I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I guess all boys do need their own hangout away from their parents.  They used old decking from a neighbors house for materials.  They were serious too...even used an air compressor and a nail gun. 

I'm thinking that girls are allowed in this fort...(Lord help me)

Since prom is in the air..
I decided my throwback Thursday pics this week should be of my prom...from 1995. 

While at Kroger this week I spotted these little single cans on sale and thought I'd try one out.  Have you tried them yet?  I was surprised that they're actually pretty great!! 

My little guys had so much fun working out the yard with us this week...well, until I had to lock them up in the time was over after they time I was in my house clothes, my curls were pinned on my head, annnd it was pouring down rain.  This is their let me out of doggy jail...we'll never do it again Mom, I promise, look..

Cat nap...

Play time...

Catch me if you can..

Chasing my birds...

That's my pretty much upon reflecting.. everything exciting happened to me over the weekend.  This weekend it is supposed to rain...again.  Seriously, I have plants to plant...this is taking April showers to the extreme!!  So, since it'll be raining I have a date with a little blond haired boy, and a stack of red box movies.  Can't beat that!

Thanks for stopping by...have a great weekend!!


Friday, April 19, 2013

High Five for Friday

Sometimes I sit and stare at my blogger screen (like right now) and I have no idea how to begin a post.  Believe it or not, sometimes I can't come up with anything at all to say..I go completely blank. I'm not making it up...I know it must be hard to imagine me speechless.. 

So, rather than coming up with something clever to start this off, I'll just get on with it..

Here are the highlights from my week.

Lynn had at least 20+ something people come out and walk with her for the breast cancer awareness 1 mile walk and 5k.  I am sure it was very humbling for her, it even brought tears to my eyes to know how much love and support she is surrounded by during this time in her life.  She is truly blessed, but..we are also truly blessed to be a part of her life.  It's definitely a win/win.

So, last week remember I was stressing about running this race without my usual partners in crime?  Piece of cake!  I got my little buddy up at the crack of dawn (he may still be asleep in this picture) and we scooped my Dad up and headed to Austin Peay to meet everyone.

I did end up being the only one in our group to run,  but by the time I woke up that morning I was super pumped and not nervous at all.

and I felt fantastic when I was finished!!

This was actually the first race I ran with a chip.  I just enjoy running so I do it for fun, and in the past have opted out of the chip...The competitor in me liked seeing the printed results.

I placed 7th in my age group, and 99th overall..out of 154 with a time of 35:38.  Is it great.. no, I know I can eventually do better, but I was proud of myself.  I keep having to remind myself that I will probably never be able to run a seven minute mile like I could when I ran for sport in high school.  So rather than beating myself up about my 11ish minute miles, I remind myself that this time last year I was doing about 14-15 minute miles...and then I remind myself that at least I'm doing something and feeling good about it no matter now long it takes, and no matter how many people are in front of me. 

While we're talking about throw back Thursday picture this week was my 9th grade (I almost cried when I realized this was 20 years ago) Cross Country pic that was taken for the yearbook.  I had the best time with my team travelling to all of our meets.  Those were the days..

Kyle and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary this week.  Earlier in the week I found myself looking through all 800 of our wedding photos on my computer.

After looking at the wedding pictures I moved on over and started looking at honeymoon photos...apparently I can meet friends no matter where I go...

and oh what I wouldn't give to be back in Grand Cayman right about now!!!

I got a sample of Nexxus Youth Renewal Rejuvenating Elixir in my April Birchbox.  Today it was windy and just a nasty day outside so I decided to try it out to see how my hair did on what would normally be a bad hair day.

The bottle said to only use 3-4 drops.  I used 4...the drops were tiny, but it was just enough.  I could tell immediately as soon as I ran it through with my hands.  I went about my normal day, and really didn't look at my hair again until I got home from work.  It pretty much looked the same as it did when I left. It was still shiny, soft, and not a bit of frizz.  I'm digign' it, and for $20.99 and only 3-4 drops at a time, I'd say it's well worth it.

I finally finished Matched by Ally Condie.  It did end up being a good book (more towards the end) so the second one has been a little easier/quicker to read.  It is a little slow for my taste, but I would recommend it if you like YA stuff.

Monday is Earth Day...One of my most favorite times of the year!!  If you know me personally you know that I love to get my hands in the dirt, plant things, watch them grow, and admire their beauty.  Every year Trey and I celebrate Earth Day and get our hands dirty!!

I'm pretty excited that I am growing my own fruits and vegetables in a raised bed this year.  I have never done this before so it could turn out to be a total flop, but I don't think I can mess it up that bad...Tomorrow I am going to the Mennonite farm across the state line to buy my plants.  
This is the plan I intend to use for my garden.

I ordered a few of these garden markers from BowenDesign on Etsy.  Since this is my first garden I may be going a little over the top, but I think my garden needs cute markers..don't you!!??

Have you heard about Barkbox?  I'm's like Birchbox except it is for your dogs.  Nicole told me about it one night, and I was like "shut up!!"  It's a little too pricey for me, but I thought it was too cool not to share.  I figured some of you dog lovers could splurge!!

When I lay down to read at night Brodie likes to lay on the top of the couch right above my's pretty cute!

One morning I heard some noise under my bed, and no one would answer me when I asked who's there....I bent down and spied a little Winston Westie nose under my bed.

Scuba is totally over me taking his picture...

Sebastian is my paws on blogging buddy...No matter where he lays if he is close to me he has to be touching me...he's the cutest little kitty cat ever.

I'm not exactly sure why this giant Great Dane of mine constantly thinks it's ok to sit in my lap.  He just looks at me with those sad eyes when I say he's too big to sit on me...the puppy dog eyes always win...

Scuba went with me to pick Trey up from school one was a wind in your face kind of day and he pretty much loved it!!

Brodie is the cutest!!

Well, that's my week in a nutshell.  It flew by, and I look forward to spending most of the weekend outside in the garden and in the flower beds. 

Thanks for stopping by H54F... 
I hope your week was just as good as mine, and that your weekend is even better!!


Friday, April 12, 2013

High Five for Friday

Oh, hey there Friday...I've been waiting on you...

Spring has arrived...which is great, I love Spring.  Everything is green, there is a pop of color everywhere you turn, the birds are playing and singing, the dogs are extra playful, everyone is happy to be outdoors doing things they love...the gorgeous flowers are staring at me saying "plant me, plant me.." 

The one thing I can say that I do not like about Spring (besides snakes) is that I have to put my boots away.  Like, I could cry.  I hope I don't hurt their feelings, but they have to go in the closet until the Fall.  I'm a little sad about it...I probably wore them longer than I should have, but I just love them so much.  I hope they can forgive me.

Out with the boots. In with the Toms.
I can handle that.

Trey tried to teach me how to skateboard.  During this lesson I discovered that Trey does not know how to skateboard.  This could have ended badly.  Well, it did.  For Trey.  Not too badly, just minor scrapes and minimal blood loss.  The next day, while at the store, I noticed a set of knee and elbow pads in my shopping cart.  The kid has determination...I'll give him that.  I, on the other hand, do least when it comes to skateboarding.

Have I mentioned that I have lost 47 pounds in the last 9 months?  Yeah...forty seven..that's right.  I'm kickin this fat to the curb, big time.  Meanwhile, I am finding that last seasons clothes are a few sizes too big.  Which is amazing..I mean who doesn't love losing weight that was the equivalence of a small child?  My clothes are sad.  They're cute, and now they won't get to be worn by me again (ever), and soon they will be leaving my closet to go live with strangers. I think I'm most sad about my Gap jean jacket, which is basically my staple in the Spring/Fall..and now it hangs on me.  I see more shopping in my future...a good jean jacket is a must have.  While out and about trying to update my Spring wardrobe I found this super fantastic shirt dress at Target.  I have the blue and cream striped one, and loved it so when I found this solid color navy dress I had to get it.  

I blogged about this self tanner last season.  I'm blogging about it again.  It's the best I have found, and I'm using it for the third year in a row.  I went to church Sunday with bare's always nerve racking that first time of the season when you bare your pastey white legs...  as we were walking into church..Trey (oh so kindly) told me that my legs were too white.  Thanks, know how to make a girl feel really swell.  So, the next morning I was spraying away.  The next day, he says "wow, you're tan!" That's more like it.  I swear by it!  You can find it at any drug store for $8.00

Marcie and I had so much fun during her visit.  We did a little bar hopping Friday night...which I have not done in about 8 years..  I highly recommend not mixing vodka, rum and whiskey.  Just a suggestion. We laughed so much, mainly about the dumbest things...mainly about the genius (or not so genius) ideas we come up with.  

I met Marcie, her Mom and my Mother-in-Law at the marketplace the following day.  I was on a mission to find "gates" for my fruit and vegetable garden.  I found this old metal foot board, and absolutely fell in love with it.  It had a hefty price tag on it, so I didn't exactly leave the store with it.  But I know where it lives, and I haven't forgotten about it.  Don't you think it would be cute?!  I have a vision of several mis-matched random gate-ish type things to put around the perimeter of my garden.  I know that sounds random, but that's how I like stuff.  I like different. 

While I was out and about this week I made a pit stop by Starbucks to get my favorite Passion tea lemonade...they were out of lemonade.  What?! So, the guy suggested I try the Passion tea with orange mango (and sweetener) I'm glad he did.  New fave!  I dropped by the Starbucks closer to my house the next day and ordered it, and they had never heard of that combo before.  It's the stuff!

So, I know I mentioned last week that I was going to begin reading Matched.  I did start reading it, and seriously after reading about 10 pages every evening I literally zonk out.  It started out to be the most boring book I've ever read.  Normally, I would shelf it and move on, but Marcie, aka book club President, assured me that it would get better.   It took me a week just to get to chapter 13..and I was sawing some major logs...Finally last night I managed to stay awake while reading, and almost finished it.  It's not so bad, but it's s.l.o.w..

I was super busy this week, so one day I ended up grabbing a bite to eat on the run.  Normally, I try to stay away from fast food (hence the loss of 47 lbs) but sometimes it's just too convenient, especially when I'm starving and my next meal is light years away. So I at least try to make healthy choices.  My go-to drive through meal is Chick fi la's grilled nuggets (6 count) and (medium) fruit bowl.  It is filling, deelicious, and only 180 calories.  I can't make this stuff up.  Now, if you add a dipping sauce then you're getting on up there in calories, but if you eat it just like I show it's only 1.8.0.  

Alright, so I did what some of you suggested and I put a little more of the Pillow Soft curl cream in my hair than I did the first time. It actually looked decent.  I think it was an accident that it turned out this way.  I mean, I know there is no way I could ever get my hair to do this again, but for one day my naturally dried curls turned out cute enough that I was sorta diggin it.

Since getting rid of all processed dog treats in our house we have settled on apples.  I have tried just about everything under the sun I can think of, or that I have read about that is safe for them, and the only thing they really want is apples.  I can live with that.  They l.o.v.e them!

This dog..I swear.  He gets so emotional sometimes.  I was snuggling with my other two dogs one day, and he sat beside me and stared at me like this the entire time. He must have gone to sad puppy dog eye school to learn how to work it.  What a weirdo. 
(he is pretty much pitiful, and cute)

While at the farm over the weekend I snapped this picture of my cousin's dog, Lucy.  She sat by the fence watching Trey ride in the field.

She also loved sitting in my lap...

Tomorrow is race day...It will be my first race without one of my partners in crime by my side...I'm a little nervous about doing it solo...Like trying not to think about it nervous...yikes!!  Catharina is injured and unable to run..I tried to convince her to power walk beside me.  I guess one of the perks of being a slow runner is that if you walk fast enough you can keep up with me.  haha!

Thanks for stopping by to read about my week.

Hope your weekend is filled with super, amazing randomness!!
