Friday, December 28, 2012

High Five for Friday

Helleur...I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!  
My family and I had a nice relaxing week spent with our friends, and loved ones..
Here are a few highlights..

I was introduced to Irish whiskey...lerved it!  It may or may not have held a hand in me falling asleep while sitting up at my Mother-in-Laws.

Christmas morning at our house is always so special to me.  
I love the excitement of Trey coming to wake me up bright and early to open the presents.
It never gets old to see his face light up as he sees the gifts surrounding the tree.

He was pretty pumped about everything Santa brought him.  He got a ton of camping stuff...can't wait to use it all..if he shares..  He stayed parked in his little camping/trail stool all morning.

After we opened our gifts we got cleaned up and went to spend the day at my Mom and Dad's house.

Santa found us there too..

Trey finally got the train set he has been wanting for years.

We spent the day just hanging out enjoying each others company.  Counting our many blessings..  I always love spending time with my beautiful niece.  

I picked up these rockin tights from Target..  
Saw them, and had to have them..  

I have been using this hair product, It's a 10, for a few weeks now.  I got it to help relieve my dry winter hair, and it really works!  After towel drying my hair I spray this only 3-4 times on the end of my hair and massage it in with my fingers. No more dry ends.  If you hair is lacking moisture like the rest of us, I would totally recommend using this product.  Check with your local salon.

My grumpy old dog, Winston..I told him he was old, and grumpy...then he licked me a million times.
Guess he showed me!  :)

He likes to sit at my feet under my vanity while I am doing my hair and makeup.
He's not always grumpy..only sometimes. 

The day after Christmas Trey and I stayed in my bed, and in our jams all day.
We had a Back to the Future marathon.  Scuba too..

I am excited to share with you some of my cool new gadgets I got for Christmas.  Right now we are packed up, and ready to head up to Ohio for New Years.  We rarely get a true winter in middle Tennessee, so it's exciting to watch Trey have fun in the snow.

Thanks, as always, for stopping by to read H54F.  It's still one of my favorite posts to write...I can't believe it has almost been a year since I wrote my first blog...crazy how time flies when you're having fun!  :)  

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  Remember to count your blessings!


1 comment:

  1. OOH! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those tights!
    Man, I need more dresses and skirts to wear in the winter!
