Friday, July 13, 2012

High Five for Friday

Well now this is really weird, y'all!  I just realized that this is my second post on a Friday the 13th (in case you missed the first one you can check it out here.) It was exactly 13 weeks ago.  Crazy, right?  I thought so.. So, of course I had to do a little research.  Turns out that in 2012 there are three Friday 13ths... 13 weeks apart...Jan 13, April 13, and today.  The last time we had three Friday the 13ths that were 13 weeks apart...was 1984 (I was 7 years old, by the way)  The last time we had three F13's was 2009, and the next is 2015, which will not be 13 weeks apart.  Pretty cool useless information... Do you think this paragraph has enough 13's in it?...13...13's.  You're counting them now, aren't you?!

Next number...the big 4-0...Happy 40th post to The Way I See it!!!  Thanks to amazing readers for all of your support.  I am so thankful that I decided to take a giant leap, and do something that I enjoy so much.  Not many people do that...they only think it..I'm here to tell you that if you want to do something, you should get out there and do it.  No matter how big, or small..nothing is more rewarding than doing what makes you happy.

I got these Supergoop SPF 30  wipes from Birchbox..I figured they would be easy to throw in my purse, or beach bag without all the hassle of a big bulky bottle.  When you wipe them onto your skin, it feels like it does not have as much coverage as rubbing a lotion, or a spray on you.  I decided to give them a try anyway, and I really liked them....and they really do work!

I was going to share a link with you to buy your own, but they are out of stock at Birchbox, and Sephora...that's how supercool the supergoop is!!  If you are interested, you can google them...I just typed it in my search engine, and several places popped up that carry the wipes.

Remember my totally awesome clip board I showed you last Friday?  If you missed here. Well, this week I finally used it.  Love it!!

Oh, and by the way...I took the bow off..

My little man was at scout camp all week.  He finally comes home tomorrow...this was his first time ever being gone that long, and not staying with family. 

Troop 365

Since I had the week off from my usual Mom duties...I kinda went all out..I went a little wild, folks...well, I didn't literally go wild, I just did things that I would normally do within a 2 months time one week.  

Kyle and I went out on a double/blind date.  I've been planning it for months, and finally the timing was right, and I made it happen.   I introduced an old friend of mine from school to a newer friend of of my scout Mom friends..  We went to the Blackhorse, and sat and talked....mostly laughing...for hours.  My first time fingers are crossed!

I went to a junkyard with my husband...Yep, you heard me right...I said junkyard, although my husband corrected me, and said we were at the pick-a-part...same difference, right?  I was actually excited to go to the junk-a...pick-a-part.  Sometimes I get excited when my inner tom boy gets to come out and play.  See, what many of you don't know is that I basically grew up around sister was older than me, and when I was growing up she was in college living on campus.  So, I lived on the farm and my close in age-boy cousins lived right next door..I would much rather play in the sand box with my tractors than with my Barbies.  I remember having this huge, beautiful doll house, and I'm pretty sure I cut off all my Barbie's hair, and tore their heads off...That's normal, though..right?  I would have much rather been fishing with a cane pole, building a fort, playing cops and robbers, riding tractors, checking the cows, playing in the dirt, riding our bulls,Bert and Ernie. I even stood up to use the "ladies room" behind a tree.  I actually got in trouble when I did that in front of the school bus, so I wasn't allowed to do that anymore...oops..Whatever those boys did, I wanted to be doing it too..Sooo, when Kyle asked me if I wanted to go with him to look for parts, I said...of course, count me in!!

I went over to a girlfriends house, and had a girls night...with a bottle of wine.  As you can tell in the picture...I was having myself a good ol' time!  :)

I had a pedicure

With OPI's That's Berry Daring

Even my pups had an eventful week....Brodie and Winston got their hair cut..



Scuba was sad, and he cried because his brothers got to ride in the car, and he didn' we took him out for a ride later that evening.  

That smile makes it all worth while...

What a fun week!! It feels as if I have been on vacation for the last three weeksl!  As much as I enjoyed my unstructured week..tomorrow my life will return to normal, and I'll have my sidekick back.  I'm sure he misses me as much as I miss him.

Hope you all have a special weekend!!!  Thanks again for stopping by to read H54F!!



  1. You are such a hoot!!! Glad you enjoyed your week although I think I might have skipped the junk...I mean, pick-a-part outing. But if you had fun, that is all that matters. Great job with this blog. Love it, love it, love it (and you.)

  2. Now that I know you like to go to the Pick A Part so much you get to go every time to help me carry things. Haha......Kyle

  3. Another great blog! The Westies look so pretty after their cut and of course, Scoobs is ha! ndsome as always! You must really love that Kyler to let him talk you into the junkyaard excursion! Ha The photos of you and Trey and you and Kyle are so precious! Have a good weekend!

  4. looks like you had a great week with your hubby! i've never been to a "pick-a-part" place. :)
    found you in h54f and is following you via GFC now. i hope you can drop by my blog and find something you'd be interested about. :)

    jen @
