Friday, March 9, 2012

High Five for Friday

Give yourselves a big high five!! Can you believe it is Friday already!!??  This week flew by for me.  Partly because I had a day off, which was an awesome surprise.  I told my husband that I have never been so excited to do the laundry.  Don't get me wrong..I don't work long hours or anything, but I NEVER have a day when it's just me!!  That is what I was most excited about...a whole..entire day to myself...

Winston wanted to give my readers a high five as well!!  He's a thoughtful little fella!

I saw this box of cookies at the grocery store, and had to have them because they were just too cool not to take home...They are actually as dee-lish, as they are five to Frosty the Oatman..

I think I have finally mastered how to fix my hair with a curling iron without it taking up my entire morning, and without it feeling awkward to curl the right side of my head.  I know what you are thinking..I'm almost 35..and I am just now learning to fix my hair.  Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I am.  I have always been a low maintenance kind of gal...I never took time to fool with fixing my hair other than smoothing out my frizz with a straightening iron, or letting my natural curls air dry.  Since finding The Small Things Blog I have learned fast and easy ways to fix my hair.  I just so happened to be using most of the same daily hair products as Kate..and our haircuts were similar, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I've been playing with new hairstyles for a few months now..  If you are on Pinterest then I am sure you've seen Kate.  Her blogs are great fun!

I even did this double bun one day... it took less than 10 minutes...and stayed all day...Easy peasy!!  Mine certainly isn't as cute as hers, but that's okay with me.

You can learn how here: double bun

Spring is fast approaching, and since we have had such beautiful weather lately I have been craving grilled food.  I rolled out the grill this week and made some fabulous pork chops.  Nothing fancy...I sprinkled some fajita seasoning on them, and marinated them in Dale's seasoning for a few hours..Yet another reason I loved my day off!!  These chops were amazing!!

One weekend..not too long ago..we were at my parents house.  My son pulled my old, dirty, dusty, rusty bike from the 1980's out of the garage.  Honestly, I had forgotten all about it.  He washed it, and has enjoyed riding it when we go for a visit.  He couldn't believe that I used to ride something so cool!!  :)

Last, but certainly not least..I enjoyed a day home with my favorite pups.  Winston is so sweet when he sleeps..I could just eat him up... cute too..he has such long, and lanky legs that I guess the only thing he could find to do with his foot was to wrap is around his nose...I sure do love all of my babies! 

Please feel free to leave a comment...I really enjoy reading them!!  Last week I had 106 views to my HF4F post!! I was amazed!!  Thank you all so much for reading!   I hope you have a fabulous weekend, and that you take the time to remembering the things from the week that you are most grateful for. 

New to High Five for Friday? Check out some of my other H54F posts here, here, here, and here, and here.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. H54F has made me smile once again! You, too, have a good weekend!

  2. That's so awesome Trey loves your bike! :) Your hair looks super cute in that picture. I love the photo of Scuba covering his nose. Lexi does that too and I think it's because her nose gets cold easily. LOL

    1. Isn't it funny that we treat our pets like they are our kids? lol No wonder they act like humans. :)
