Friday, March 28, 2014

High Five for Friday

I took a half day from work today..then made a quick trip to Kroger, picked up some redbox some salami, cheese..and some yummy seafood..all to enjoy with my wine tonight..Then I came home, and less than a minute after setting the groceries on the counter, my hair was in a bun on top of my head, and stretchy pants quickly replaced the jeans I had on.  I may or may not have started undressing in the kitchen...

Helllooo Friday!!

Since this week was Spring break, Trey and I took it upon ourselves to spend some extra time with each other, with friends, and to also stay up past our bedtime.

Here's what's new with us this week...

We played our fair share of board games this week.  Sometimes I have a habit of inviting myself over to peoples houses.  Is that rude?  I mean at least I call and don't just show up..I hate it when people do that.  My invites - to your house - usually go something like this... In my most enthusiastic voice.. "Hey!!  What are you doing?  Sooo, I thought I would come over, and I'm bringing wine, and games and snacks..ok?" Who can resist that?  So, that's pretty much what I did this week, more than once.  At least one of the times we were actually invited.

My most favorite game ever is Quelf.  Ever played it?  It's been around a while, I guess.  I actually had it on my wedding registry, and got is as a wedding gift. It is hilarious!!  Like laugh so much it hurts..hilarious.  It's the most random game ever.  Even the kids enjoy it.

The one time this week that we were actually invited over to play games we took Hedbanz.  Fun/semi frustrating game.  I would have never guessed Napoleon.  I got super close, but..nope, even after five or six turns...(or more?) didn't get it.  I still won the game though..just throwing that out there.. 

Turkey season has arrived.  How do I know?  Hmmm..well, the sound of turkeys being called at any random time of day or night throughout the house, or while driving down the road is a pretty dead giveaway...and then there are the turkey calls that now reside in my refrigerator..and then there's the hunting bag packed and propped up by the front door all week anticipating the arrival of the weekend.  Hopefully Trey will have better luck this weekend, than he did at the youth hunt last weekend..

Pretty little country view seen on one of my runs this week.

I got my hair did last Friday..when Lori was finished she kept me in the chair and practiced doing a few updos on me for a wedding do she was doing the following morning.  It's the most fun when someone plays with your hair!

Kayla and I went to Cloud 9 for girls night dinner and drinks.
Lord have mercy I just cannot make myself like the specialty martinis there.. I have tried time and time again.  They just don't sit right on my palate at all, and then I end up making some funky faces trying to get it down the hatch..which makes me laugh, which makes it even harder to swallow...I'm making the face now just thinking about it...I'll stick to my whiskey.  Oh, and the matching scarves were totally unplanned.  #typical #8thgradeflashback

Since I didn't have to take Trey to school at 6:30ish a.m. this week, I decided I would try out 6:00 a.m. yoga on Tuesday and Friday.  I was reluctant to do the Friday class because it was at the new studio on the other side of town..and that meant I would need to leave my house around 5:15, but I went anyway, and I'm so glad I did. Best way to start off the day is in Sarah's morning classes.  I look forward to it every Saturday morning..and now that they offer super early weekday'll for sure be something doable in the summer.

Trey and I finally got to see Divergent last night...It was probably my most favorite tril that I read last year, so I was really looking forward to the movie.  We both thought it was great..  Have you seen it yet?

I've had a major sweet tooth lately..ok..ok..I have a major sweet tooth pretty much all the time..and since I rarely keep junk in the house I have to this week my sweet snack of choice was half an apple..chopped, with melted peanut butter drizzled over it, and shaved dark chocolate on top.   It's healthy, seriously good, and very satisfying.  I have also tried it with melted almond butter, but PB is my fave.

For the chocolate shavings I use my microplane to shave down one dark chocolate chunk..It's that easy. You can find them in the baking aisle.

Nicole called one morning while I was getting ready for work..I was on the phone pacing between my closet and my vanity deciding what to wear and doing last minute hair touch ups..I looked down and Scub was moving his little head side to side watching my every move with his little legs crossed in front of him.  It was the cutest thing.  Just hanging out watching his Mom.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Thanks for stopping by..


Friday, March 14, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hey there!  This week flew..I can't believe how fast it went by. 

I bet the sunshine and 80 something degree weather had a lot to do with it.  :-)  

I had an amazing weekend with my sweet friends that came to visit from Ohio.  Friday, we spent the entire day in Nashville.

We had lunch at The Southern Steak and Oyster on 3rd Ave.  The food was fabulous.. I had the barbecuban with black beans on the side and a peach belini.  Jason, our waiter, was too much fun! 


Afterwards we drove to Franklin and did some downtown shopping.  I spent way too much time and money in Anthropologie.  Then we ventured over to the Greenhills area for some more shopping and dinner before heading home..

Between yoga, shopping, brunch, girl talk, whiskey night, homemade peach pie and movie night..we had a super fun weekend!!

Have you ever been to Teavana?  It is a specialty tea store that offers samples of several types of the loose leaf tea they sell in the store.  I have been enjoying the blueberry bliss rooibos tea, and the pineapple kona pop herbal tea.  They taste amazing mixed together, not to mention it's like potpourri for my kitchen..and I'm totally digging my perfectea maker.  We should have a tea party.

I picked up this candle at Target.  It smells sooooo good!  So good, that I'm pretty sure you should have one too, so next time you are in Target, at least go sniff it out.  I bet if you sniff if, you'll get it.  You're welcome.


So, the day we had a high of soon as Trey finished up his homework we loaded his bike and headed to the Greenway.

I was super pumped to run that day because I knew it would be the run where I would finally break 100 miles since I started using this app..Which, by the way, felt pretty darn awesome!!

Trey loves going to this particular Green with me..He likes to explore.

This month some of the yogis I follow on insta have been doing a yoga challenge..The challenge is called - unleash the rebel within - They want to encourage you to change your yoga routine..taking your practice off your mat and instead doing it outside in this great big world..they want you to break through some boundaries that otherwise may make you uncomfortable..

Such as..side planks in the middle of the trail..

You know..why not!?  Personally, I think being a rebel is fun.

So, at one point on this outing Trey and I we were both startled by a man walking behind some trees right off the trail.  

At first I thought he had a metal detector, but the closer I got I knew that it wasn't...

Trey and I had some silent communication going on....

He looked at me and said:

 "It's a snake hook"  

I said.."A who?!!"  

He said.."yeah..he is looking for snakes."  

He knows I'm terrified, so I give him that look..

I said..  

"You are totally making this up..and you're not funny...!!!" 

By this time I stopped running, and he stopped beside me on his bike.  

It was getting serious up in there..So, we are both standing there in the middle of the trail..

We are just looking at each other..

"Seriously, Mom..I'm telling you..he's looking for snakes."  

"And you know this, how?!"


<insert eye rolling here>
(me, not him)

"Okay, fine..go ask him"  

"No, you go ask him"

 "I'm not asking him, you go ask're the expert.." 

(yes, we are twelve)

He stares blankly..

So, I said.."Ok, I am going to ask him because I would really like to know the answer.."

He said..

"Seriously?! <mumbles under breath> Mom, don't..!! <more mumbles> you are so embarrassing..."

So, by the time I catch back up to the guy he is coming out of the woods with what is clearly a snake hook..


I say "excuse me.. sir....excuse me.." 

Snake hook man turns to face me..  

"Hi, I am so sorry to bother you..My son and I were wondering what you are......"

- rudely interrupted by the boy - 

"I told my Mom you were looking for snakes, but she doesn't believe me..."

<insert smug, teenager, know it all, giggle here> 

I give him the "Mom" look...

Snake hook man speaks.. 

"Yes, actually..I am looking for snakes..."

 If I didn't say "shuuut upp??!!"  I was most definitely thinking it..

"Have..haave you seen any?"

Then, snake hook man goes on to say.."Not yet, but you two should be careful out here because around the first of April you will see them everywhere."  "


"Yes, ma'am..last year I saw seven cotton mouths between here and the trail head.."

Pointing my finger towards the ground I am standing on I say..

"onnn the, right here..?"  

"Yes, ma'am..and you should be very cautious because they are aggressive and will chase you.

Oh dear Lord.

So, we finish up our conversation with the snake hook man..I thank him and carry on about my business...Running along..trying not to look at the ground..remembering what my Dad always says at work.."if you don't look for them you won't see them.."

Well, ok Dad!!  I was not looking for this particular snake and I saw it.....

Surprisingly, I did not scream bloody murder.

However, I did a little hop..jump to the side, kick..hii-ya type thing..and then an 80's cartoon move where I am trying to run so fast that my feet are just spinning in circles underneath me and I am going no where.. It looked like a stick, but had it not been in the middle of the trail with it's head raised I wouldn't have noticed it.

Ohhh dear Lord.

So, after my 80's cartoon move where it felt like I went no where and the anaconda was chasing me down for dinner..I looked ahead for Trey..he was out of sight..and I knew if I told him I saw one he wouldn't believe, I took a deep breath and went back to take a very far away, yet very zoomed in picture of it..

This definitely is not..I repeat...IS NOT a highlight of my week, but I do feel as if it is my civic duty to warn tell you that the snakes have slithered out of their holes to disgrace us with their presence.  

I just want to cry.  Guess where I will not be running at anytime soon?!

So, to end my eventful, warm, sunshiny day.  I know once I get to the bridge that I'm close to the end..I kept telling myself "don't stop are soo clooose to waaaterr."  I was dying for water, and the last time Trey circled back to find me I sent him on to retrieve my H2O..  He never came back..I get to the parking lot..think to myself "why is my hood up?"..reach for my water..Empty.  He drank it. I could have strangled car battery was mysteriously dead..of course he kept pleading that he had nothing to do with water, one dead cell phone, dead car..snakes on the loose.. By that time I needed something a lot stronger than water and some anger management might not have been a terrible idea.  Thankfully Trey had his phone and we were able to call for help.  My SuperDad saved the day!!

I have chives coming up in last years herb garden..

Trey and I went to the high school to get his schedule squared away for his Freshman year.  He said he was not nervous, but I was sooo nervous.  For me it was like first day of school stomach pains..I went to a private school, so my high school was tiny compared to this one.  I think I have only been inside this school one time, and that was back in the 90's when I went to Homecoming with my boyfriend that went there.  Trey is really excited to start HS.  I, on the other going to cry.  

I video chatted with Nicole for over three hours one evening.  Surprisingly, we never seem to run out of things to talk about.  So glad we got to hang out together, even if we are 800 miles apart.


My little guy gives the sweetest goodnight kisses!! 

 I entered Brodie and I into a models and mutts contest.  We probably won't win, but it was still fun and I got really excited when they responded to the photo I entered. You can enter too...find @modelsnmutts on instagram for details.

Thanks for stopping by to read about my week.  

Never a dull moment around here..and I love it..minus the snakes..I do not love the snakes..


Friday, March 7, 2014


My people are here, my people are here!  I am so excited to have almost an entire weekend dedicated to girl time.  Today we are taking off and heading to spend the day/evening in Nashville.  Who knows what we will get into, but it's sure to be fun!  

Last night I went over to Mellie's to kick off girl weekend and she made this amazing dinner..  Soo good!  I'll have to get the recipe and share with you. 

Last weekend I finally got to try out my new trail shoes.
Love em!

Catharina and I were able to get in ten good miles.

The weather was perfect!

I picked up Nivea Care and Color at Walgreen's..the color is Sheer Berry.

It is basically a tinted chapstick.  It goes on smoothly, and has just the right amount of color to enhance the natural color of my lips.  It's perfect to wear in place of a lipstick.

I got to hang with this little guy...
I can always get the babies to smile for me. :-)
He is just the sweetest, and he got tons of well deserved Auntie kisses!!

Sunday evening we had an ice storm..a few inches of ice, and a few inches of snow on top of it.

Winston and Trey had fun playing in it.

Tuesday night I had girls night dinner plans with Kayla..we made the plans a week ahead, so the ice was def not in the plan...I was really worried I wouldn't make it up my hill since it was a  solid sheet of ice.  We changed our plans to an early dinner so we wouldn't be out too late.  I seriously needed to get out of the house before cabin fever completely took over.  It was so fun and definitely much needed!

Finally on Wednesday they plowed my road.  The kids didn't go to school one day this week.

Winston clearly thinks he is the boss around here (he kinda is).. I felt bad for Scuba, so I went out and bought Winston his own bed.

He pretty much hates it.  He either chews it, humps it, or tries to pee on it..He absolutely will not get in it.

So..then this happened...

Winston wins again.  Winston always wins.

I'm still laughing. Bless his sweet little heart.

Thanks for stopping by to read about my week.  It was pretty great being iced in for a few days.   The weather is supposed to warm back up, so we should have some bright sunshiny days for our girl weekend!

Hope yours is also bright and awesome! 
